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Website Malware is typical software created to infect, hack or damage your website. There are many websites in which many viruses and malware are present and the very unfortunate thing is website owners do not even know that.
Today, in this topic I will teach you some of the most common types of malware that can be present on your website, how you can scan your website and how to remove suspicious malware/viruses from it.

What are the reasons for my website getting malware and how to avoid them?


    Make sure your website is hosted in a nice reputed, first-class hosting company. This is very important for your website safety. If your website is hosted on some low-rated hosting company which means your website has a high chance of getting infected with malware and your website getting hacked.

    It is always recommended to use a reputed hosting company which means it will keep your website safe, secure.

    One of the tops recommended hosting company in terms of security and high performance are :

    • Go-Daddy
    • Bigrock
    • Bluehost
    • Siteground

    More than 80% of website developers try uploading a low-rated crack file version of a website theme that can have malicious malware viruses inside it that can easily infect your website and cause a lot of harm to your website.

    Remember,  install a website theme that has the latest updated version and purchased from an authentic verified organization that will keep your website free from hacking and malware attacks.

    Make sure you have only one theme installed and activated in your WordPress website and remove the rest of the unwanted themes.


    Low quality, low-rated plugins can cause serious harm to your WordPress website. Plugins that have got a fewer number of downloads or have received fewer reviews from the other users should not be installed or activated. These plugins can have high chances of viruses and can cause serious harm to your websites.

    Always download plugins that have received high trust reviews and have more than 1,00,000 average downloads by other users. 


    Last but not least one of the easy ways for hackers to enter your website is through Admin access having a low-quality password. This should be highly avoided and it should be your first line of defense against hackers and malware by using a strong phrase password to keep your website safe. Some of the common example website owner make mistakes while updating passwords are :

    • abcd@123
    • user@abcd
    • admin@123456
    • admin@2021
    • 123456

    A Password like this should be never be used since it becomes very easy for hackers to try this type of combination and easily create access to your website that you have created with great efforts.

User Credential should not be ever ever ever ever ever ever ever………………. ever be shared with any other person.


Follow these tricks so that you can create a strong password and cannot be easily hacked

  • Use one Uppercase alphabet
  • Use a lowercase alphabet
  • Use a number 
  • Use some special character like @,$,#,!,*
  • Don’t add any white space
  • Password Length should be a minimum of 8 characters

Keep a habit of updating your website password every 15 days that is a good practice to keep your website safe.

I hope this article was helpful for you and will keep your website safe from viruses if you are facing any troubles with your website or have any queries feel free to contact us on +91 7208 328 691 or drop us a mail at

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